Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project selection

Increasing the transparency of how we select highway construction projects

Non-motorized infrastructure rehabilitation/replacement

Scoring criteria for standalone projects to rehabilitate or replace nonmotorized infrastructure such as sidewalks and shared use paths. Out of 100 possible points, 65 points are based on the condition of the infrastructure, 15 points based on compliance with Americans with Disability Act, 15 points are based on proximity to key destinations, and 5 points based on whether the project will benefit an environmental justice population.

MnDOT replaces or rehabilitates most sidewalks, shared use paths and other infrastructure for people walking, rolling or bicycling as part of other projects. In many instances, the responsibility of replacing or repairing the infrastructure is the responsibility of a local unit of government. However, MnDOT will occasionally select a standalone project to repair or replace existing non-motorized infrastructure.

At present, all funds for replacing or rehabilitating sidewalks, shared use paths and other infrastructure for people walking, rolling or bicycling are targeted to improvements on already planned projects.

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