Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project selection

Increasing the transparency of how we select highway construction projects

Standalone bicycle and pedestrian projects

Scoring criteria for standalone bicycle and pedestrian projects. Out of 100 possible points, 50 points are based on safety risk factors, 30 points are based on gaps and barriers, 35 points are based on corridor priority, and 5 points are based on whether the project will benefit an environmental justice population.

The majority of improvements for people walking, rolling and bicycling on the state highway system are constructed as part of larger projects.

Following the Complete Streets approach, MnDOT evaluates options to improve the safety, efficiency and functionality of the highway system for people walking, rolling or bicycling on every project. If after funding bicycle and pedestrian improvements on projects already included in the Capital Highway Investment Plan and State Transportation Improvement Program, a MnDOT district has additional bicycle or pedestrian funds based on the guidance in the state highway investment plan, they may also select potential standalone projects. Districts first consider opportunities presented by city, county, tribal or DNR projects that intersect the state highway network. After considering those opportunities, districts then evaluate the high priority locations identified through a safety risk analysis.

Other projects for bicyclists and pedestrians on the state highway system or within state highway right of way are locally initiated by cities, counties, tribal governments or other groups and funded locally and/or through competitive programs like the Highway Safety Improvement Program, Local Partnership Program, the Metropolitan Council’s regional solicitation or the Transportation Alternatives Program through the Area Transportation Partnerships.

At present, all funds for new pedestrian or bicycling infrastructure are targeted to improvements on already planned projects. We are currently developing a statewide pedestrian system plan. That plan, along with the recently completed district bicycle plans will inform the creation of a candidate list for future project selection decisions.

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